Living in the Moment
This weekend I drove over 8 hours north to Quebec City to say goodbye to a dear cousin of mine. To get there, we drove through the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. The scenery was magnificent, and it was as if we were looking at a beautiful palette of perfect colors, heights, and textures. We saw farms and ski resorts, high peaks and low valleys; and in the midst of the grandeur of the mountains, I reminded myself just how small I am in this world. Reminding myself that it's not me that is the center of the universe, but that I live for the Center of the universe is a meditative practice that I should engage in more frequently. One of my favorite Christian songs is "Redeemer" as sung by Nicole Mullen. Immediately sensing my small self among mighty mountains, I recalled the Redeemer lyrics, "Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning? and Who told the ocean you can only come this far? and Who showed the moon where to hide '...