Learning My Life Truths

Learning My Life Truths Several years ago, I made the decision to spend more one-on-one time with my father. The reason was simple. Sometimes, he was a hard man to love. I never quite figured out if my father loved the art of debate, or if he enjoyed pushing people’s buttons…or maybe a combination of the two. Months could pass by without me reaching out to my father, or paying him a visit. One day, in the Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation (or confession, for us old-timers), I confessed to the priest that I wasn’t living the fourth commandment, “honor thy father and mother.” I explained to the priest that I loved my father, but didn’t make time for him in my life. He instructed me to do two things, to pray for my father and to begin to perform small acts of kindness for my father. I took that instruction to both love my father from afar (prayer), and more intimately (acts of kindness)....