Martha and Mary

I was raised in a home that when someone came to visit, we pulled out all of the stops to make them feel welcome. Glasses would quickly come out of the hutch. A pitcher was given to one of the children to go down to the “wine room” to fill with some of my father’s home-made wine. Plates were quickly filled with nuts, dried fruits, and any other appetizers that were kept in the house for when “company came.” When we expected visitors, all of this work was done prior to their arrival. As a child, once the feast was set, I would simply stare at all of the goodies, which could not be touched until our guests arrived. In the case of unexpected company, we were still so thrilled to receive them into our home, but the first few minutes of their visit was spent putting together their welcome feast. Everything had to be just right. At a young age, I truly learned what it meant to serve another with a joyful heart. I never once heard my mother co...